Rancho Corona
Located in Gilbert, Arizona
Rancho Corona is located a few miles from downtown Gilbert. The association is comprised of over 300 homes and multiple open common areas with all types of recreational facilities. The common areas are lushly landscaped with both turf and xeriscaping to enhance the beauty of native Arizona vegetation. Rancho Corona is built on fertile farmland formerly owned by the Johnston family. The land was developed into a residential subdivision in the mid-1990's by Scott Homes.
- Amazing Schools
- Friendly Neighbors
- Lush Landscaping
- Quiet & Peaceful
- Perfect Location
- Great For Kids

March 26, 2025
Rancho Corona Nomination Request
If you are interested in your name being on the ballot for the 2025 Annual Meeting, please submit your intererest no later than 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 1st. Please see attached.
Community Support
Have a question or concern? Contact us below.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are board meetings open to all residents? If so, where and when are they held and how do I attend?
We encourage all Owners that want to volunteer and voice their input to attend the homeowner forum section of the meeting. Please refer to the events section of this website for meeting dates and times.
Can I change the exterior of my property?
All new construction and all exterior changes to existing or new structures, including landscaping, must be submitted to and approved by the Architectural Committee prior to the commencement of work.
Can I walk my dog off the leash?
The simple answer is no. Pursuant to Arizona Revised Statutes 11-1012, all dogs must be leashed (no greater than 6’ in length) when they are not on an individual owner's confined property. So if you are walking your dog on the sidewalk or in a common area, your dog must be leashed, according to the law.
How often do I need to maintain my landscaping?
Each property is unique and different and its landscaping needs will vary from property to property. However, all landscaped areas must be maintained at all times. All properties must be weed and debris free. All turf areas must be maintained at all times, which includes proper watering and mowing. If turf areas are over-seeded in the winter time they will most likely need to be mowed every 7 - 10 days. During the warmer seasons, yards are typically in need of mowing at least once each week.
If I need to drain or backwash my pool, where can I drain the water to?
All water as a result of draining or backwashing a pool must be retained on the individual lot. You can contact the Town of Gilbert to ascertain if it permissible to allow water to be drained from the pool into your sewer clean out line.
I want to make improvements to the exterior of my property. What do I need to do to submit for approval?
Pursuant to your community CC&R's, any change on the exterior of your property is subject to prior written approval. Navigate to the Documents portion of this website to obtain information and the necessary form to submit for approval to the Association.
What does the Association do?
The vast majority of residential developments built these days are managed by their own individual Association. This is done to provide decision making of all aspects at the most local level possible by a group of individually elected owners within your Association. In addition, this helps to eliminate the burden of maintenance that would otherwise be placed on the local municipality. Most owners agree that the HOA will maintain the common areas better and more often than the local municipality. Therefore, it is more advantageous to be governed by an Association than oversight directly by the local city or town.
What happens if I don't pay my assessment?
The association depends on the ownership to make payments in a timely manner to operate effectively. Non-payment of association assessments will result in collection actions and the association may rely on legal counsel to facilitate those collection efforts.
What if I don’t correct the compliance issue I received notice about?
For those who don’t comply with the established maintenance standards the Association can, after notice is given, impose monetary fines and, in some cases, perform the work to bring the property into compliance, and bill the expense back to the offending owner. This helps to preserve values and maintain a uniform and consistent appearance and aesthetic value for all owners.
What is the Board of Directors?
Because your association is a legal entity, it functions similar to a regular business organization. The Board of Directors is a group of elected volunteers who serve without compensation which provide oversight and management functions to the successful operation of the association’s business affairs -- which are in accordance with the standards set by your association’s governing documents.
What options do I have in making my payments to the HOA?
You have three options for making payments to the association. You may pay online by credit card or ACH transaction through the Association's bank's website. Click the “Make a Payment” button to make an online payment. Another option is to setup a recurring bill pay with your personal bank. You may also pay with a physical check. Please refer to your coupon or statement to determine the correct address for mailing physical checks to.